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There are tears in my eyes and I’m not even sad

Having tears in our eyes is quite common when we are expressing emotions, however, in some cases, it can be frustrating when you don’t know why it’s happening. Commonly known as tearing, watering eye or epiphora, it is a condition in which there’s an excessive amount of tears that flow onto the face, often without a clear reason.

Tears are needed to maintain clear vision and keep the front surface of the eye healthy, but too many tears can make it difficult to see, which can cause difficulties when driving. It commonly affects those aged under 12 months or over 60 years but can affect anyone. It can also affect either eye. Thankfully, it can be effectively treated.

tears in her eyes

If you are suffering from tears in your eyes persistently, let’s consider the top 4 reasons why.

1. Blocked tear ducts

The most common cause of watering eyes is blocked tear ducts. If the tear ducts are narrowed or blocked then the tears will not be able to drain away and will build up in the tear sac. These stagnant tears increase the risk of infection, which causes the eye to produce a sticky liquid, which worsens the issue. A small operation is sometimes necessary to rectify this situation.

2. Trichiasis

This condition is when your eyelashes grow inwards. This means they can rub against your eyeball and cause problems. In particular, this can cause your eyes to constantly water, amongst other symptoms. This condition is easily treatable.

3. Ectropion

This condition is when the lower eyelid turns outward. It’s more common in older adults, and it tends to only affect the lower eyelid. This is a common cause of persistent tearing as, without proper drainage, your tears can pool and constantly flow over your eyelids. Lubricating ointments and artificial tears can help to relieve symptoms of this condition. However, in most cases, in order to fully correct the condition, surgery is necessary.

4. Injury to the eye

If your eye has suffered from trauma, such as a scratch or a bit of grit (piece of dirt or tiny pebble), or even a small fly getting stuck in your eye, this can cause your eyes to water excessively. This can lead to eye infections which can cause constant tearing too. Typically treatment includes eye drops or eye medication which will help clear up the infection and put a stop to the eye-watering.

When to see a doctor

If you are experiencing pain and other symptoms alongside your eye watering or your symptoms have become worse, then it’s best to see your eye doctor to gain a proper diagnosis and receive effective treatment.

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