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Do close objects appear to be further away?

In our normal vision, we can easily see objects which are close to us and those which are further away. If you are suffering from a symptom which makes close objects appear further away, then it could be a sign of metamorphopsia.

This is a problem with vision in which items often look distorted. For example, items may appear closer or farther away than they actually are, straight lines could appear bent, wavy or curved, objects may appear to be smaller or bigger than they are.

diagram of the human eye

This condition is typically caused by diseases or conditions that affect the eye’s retina and macula. Let’s consider some below.

Macular degeneration which causes Metamorphopsia

Macular degeneration is the erosion and damage of the central part of the retina, this then results in an impairment of central vision. The condition doesn’t result in total blindness, but it can cause severe difficulties with everyday activities such as reading or driving. It tends to affect those older than 50 as it’s an age-related condition.

A migraine

Migraines are a neurological condition where the blood vessels in the brain dilate and release hormones that cause pain. This leads to vomiting, nausea and recurrent headaches. In most cases, a migraine can also contribute to the onset of visual problems like Metamorphopsia. It’s actually quite common in those who suffer from migraines. However, with migraine treatment, it should clear up.

Macular holes

Macular holes significantly contribute to visual tasks like reading, driving and focusing on details. In case of a macular hole, the macula becomes broken and tampers the central vision of the eye which results in distorted and blurred vision, or a dark spot in the central area of the eye and vision. It’s typically a condition associated with age and tends to affect those who are aged 60 or older.

Retinal detachment

This is an urgent medical condition that causes the cells of the retina to separate from the underlying layer of blood vessels which provide you with nutrition and oxygen. This condition brings along a high risk of permanent vision loss and is characterised by the sudden occurrence of floaters and flashes, alongside a large reduction in vision. The longer the retina is detached, the higher the risk of permanent blindness, so it needs to be treated immediately.

When to consult your local independent optician

In all circumstances, it’s best to consult your optician as soon as possible if you are suffering from this symptom. That way you can receive an accurate diagnosis and receive the correct form of treatment.

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