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Why am I losing my peripheral vision?

If you are suffering from a loss of your peripheral vision, it means that you don’t have a normal, wide-angle field of vision. However, your central vision could remain fine. There are varying degrees of peripheral vision loss. Although, most give you the sensation of seeing through a narrow tube, also referred to as “tunnel vision”.

You may experience other symptoms, including a decreased ability to navigate while walking and difficulty seeing in dim light.

losing peripheral vision

This symptom can be a by-product of other conditions you are suffering from. These are listed below:


Damage to the optic nerve due to glaucoma could cause the loss of peripheral vision. There are various types of glaucoma and it’s often referred to as the “silent thief of sight,” due to its lack of symptoms and pain before vision loss occurs. However, if you are suffering from acute angle-closure glaucoma, you will experience other symptoms including halos around lights, vomiting, and blurry vision.

Eye “strokes”

This condition blocks the normal flow of blood to the internal structures of the eye, which include the optic nerve. This can consequently lead to a loss of peripheral vision.

Retinitis Pigmentosa

This is a rare, inherited disease where the light-sensitive retina of the eye begins to slowly degenerate over time. This eventually results in blindness. Other symptoms include poor night vision. This condition typically occurs in those under the age of 30.

Brain damage

If you’ve suffered a stroke, injury or disease, this could also damage portions of the brain where images are processed, which could lead to blind spots in the visual field and a loss of peripheral vision.

Retinal detachment

This is a serious condition that could lead to losing your sight if not treated quickly and effectively. This occurs when the retina becomes detached from the underlying supportive tissue of the eye. This results in the retina not functioning as it should.

Other symptoms that are associated with this condition include floaters, spots, or flashes of light, blurry vision, overall poor vision and seeing a shadow descend from the top of the eye. If you notice any of these warning signs, it’s important that you see an eye doctor immediately.

When to see your local optician

If you’re unsure as to why you are suffering from peripheral vision loss, you should make an appointment with your eye doctor. By gaining a proper diagnosis, you can receive the optional treatment for your eye condition.

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